The mission of St. Christopher's Episcopal Church is to be
a growing, active church of diversified and reconciling people,
proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, developing relationships on prayer,
mutual commitment, forgiveness and tangible care.
It is to develop comprehensive youth and mission ministries
by focusing on our use of time, talents and treasures.
We are a happy, inclusive, vibrant Church.
We enjoy being in fellowship with each other
by offering support during good and challenging times.
We are known for hospitality to new and existing members.
Join us for fellowship, faith sharing and fun!

Please feel free to contact us with any
questions, concerns, or prayer requests.
1063 North Haverhill Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33417
Located on the northwest corner of Haverhill and Belvedere Roads
mailing address: P.O. Box 222068, Haverhill, FL 33422
zelle: stchristopherswpb@comcast.net